Sunday, May 31, 2009

it's like crack, without the downside of rotted teeth and death..

the decemberists, plain and simple. i've been hooked big time since seeing them in concert tuesday. their new album, "the hazards of love," is so damn good. since thursday, i've listened to it probably five or six times from start to finish. that's pushing pathetic. but oh man, is it good.

and it's not like i haven't listened to anything else. i also listened to the mars volta's "de-loused in the comatorium" the other day, and forget cassettes as well. and pinback at work today. gotta love the ability to bring in your own music for work.

but still, listening to "the hazards of love" right now. what can i say? it's fantastic.

current music: the decemberists - "won't want for love (margaret in the taiga)"

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