Sunday, December 21, 2008

regensburg reunion

this evening was spent with nearly forgotten friends, the regensburg crew. well, the crew assembled was short a few key players, namely brett, jack, andrew, keith, and rachelle. but you take what's given to you, and i think i can speak for the whole group when i say we had a great time catching up. these are people i spent time every day with for an entire year while studying abroad in germany, and what was great about our little soiree tonight was that we barely missed a beat. diana's been in ukraine since september 2006, yet our conversations were as awesome as always. and then there was kristin, morgan, kristina, and mike, people i absolutely love hanging out with, but haven't since graduation. there's my main man geoff, finally back in colorado after a two year stint at grad school in illinois. he's a totally great friend; i've never met anyone with as much overall enthusiasm. he loves colorado football more than i love colorado football. he's the nicest guy you could meet, and probably the coolest guy as well. and of course there's katy. i love this girl, i truly do. she's real sweet, cute, has a great personality, loves hip-hop, has a few really nice tattoos.. yeah, she's awesome. i've also been by her side during some rather tumultuous events, which brought us incredibly close in a time when close friends were greatly needed.

so here i am, spending my days in littleton, and that's fine i guess. however, i've felt quite alone at times living down here, and while that doesn't really change after hanging out with this group of people, as nobody lives closer than 30 minutes to me, it does show that there are more than just a few friends colorado has to offer. and they're good friends, friends one would be willing to journey a bit for. diana lives closest to me, about 30 minutes away in downtown denver, with geoff living the farthest away, in fort collins. but these are people that i want to spend time with, people i've forgotten how great hanging out together is. holy shit, katy and i used to write poetry together. we were tight; she sent me a care package! that's the kind of friend you don't let go. and i can't wait to see them again.

i truly am blessed.

current music: radiohead - "airbag"

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