today i'm driving up to boulder to hang out with matches and jeff, possibly josh as well, and possible even cain. i'm looking to go to trident, bart's records, and the boulder creek. and later tonight, i'm playing raquetball with hannah. i'll probably let her win, but that's not the point. while i might not have had any family around for the holidays, right now i'm surrounded by my favorite people, and for that i couldn't be happier.
so i've been thinking of some good music categories. i'll start with top 5 go to albums while driving.
blackalicious - blazing arrow
sigur ros - takk
mountain goats - tallahassee
underworld - 1992-2002
modest mouse - the moon and antarctica
honorable mention:
stereolab - switched on
try that out for size. gotta drive.
current music: people under the stairs - "the breakdown"
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Follow me through a city of frost covered angels
I swear I have nothing to prove
I just want to dance in your tangles
To give me some reason to move
But to take on the world at all angles
Requires a strength I can't use
So I'll meet you up high in your anger
Of all that is hoping and waiting for you
i am jack's complete lack of surprise. sigh.
I swear I have nothing to prove
I just want to dance in your tangles
To give me some reason to move
But to take on the world at all angles
Requires a strength I can't use
So I'll meet you up high in your anger
Of all that is hoping and waiting for you
i am jack's complete lack of surprise. sigh.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
regensburg reunion
this evening was spent with nearly forgotten friends, the regensburg crew. well, the crew assembled was short a few key players, namely brett, jack, andrew, keith, and rachelle. but you take what's given to you, and i think i can speak for the whole group when i say we had a great time catching up. these are people i spent time every day with for an entire year while studying abroad in germany, and what was great about our little soiree tonight was that we barely missed a beat. diana's been in ukraine since september 2006, yet our conversations were as awesome as always. and then there was kristin, morgan, kristina, and mike, people i absolutely love hanging out with, but haven't since graduation. there's my main man geoff, finally back in colorado after a two year stint at grad school in illinois. he's a totally great friend; i've never met anyone with as much overall enthusiasm. he loves colorado football more than i love colorado football. he's the nicest guy you could meet, and probably the coolest guy as well. and of course there's katy. i love this girl, i truly do. she's real sweet, cute, has a great personality, loves hip-hop, has a few really nice tattoos.. yeah, she's awesome. i've also been by her side during some rather tumultuous events, which brought us incredibly close in a time when close friends were greatly needed.
so here i am, spending my days in littleton, and that's fine i guess. however, i've felt quite alone at times living down here, and while that doesn't really change after hanging out with this group of people, as nobody lives closer than 30 minutes to me, it does show that there are more than just a few friends colorado has to offer. and they're good friends, friends one would be willing to journey a bit for. diana lives closest to me, about 30 minutes away in downtown denver, with geoff living the farthest away, in fort collins. but these are people that i want to spend time with, people i've forgotten how great hanging out together is. holy shit, katy and i used to write poetry together. we were tight; she sent me a care package! that's the kind of friend you don't let go. and i can't wait to see them again.
i truly am blessed.
current music: radiohead - "airbag"
so here i am, spending my days in littleton, and that's fine i guess. however, i've felt quite alone at times living down here, and while that doesn't really change after hanging out with this group of people, as nobody lives closer than 30 minutes to me, it does show that there are more than just a few friends colorado has to offer. and they're good friends, friends one would be willing to journey a bit for. diana lives closest to me, about 30 minutes away in downtown denver, with geoff living the farthest away, in fort collins. but these are people that i want to spend time with, people i've forgotten how great hanging out together is. holy shit, katy and i used to write poetry together. we were tight; she sent me a care package! that's the kind of friend you don't let go. and i can't wait to see them again.
i truly am blessed.
current music: radiohead - "airbag"
Friday, December 19, 2008
i don't find myself to be a cynical person. there are, however, some things that really irritate me, and sadly a few things definitely come out during the holiday season. is it just me, or is christmas music absolutely terrible? i can't say every christmas song sucks; i've always been a fan of the little drummer boy, and i had an awesome version of santa baby ft. snoop dogg, onyx, and other rappers on this lame christmas cd from about a decade ago. but that's about it. the king sings carols? terrible. amy grant sings her favorite holiday classics? i just puked in my mouth. i wish i didn't feel this way, because the christmas holiday's awesome. christmas lights are cool, giving gifts, putting a conifer tree in your house!! is totally awesome.
i've also determined i can't stand people that have accessories for the outside of their cars. best example i can give are those redneck conservative dicks who have to proove their masculinity by dangling balls on the back of their gigantic trucks. i know balls dangle - i have a pair - but i don't need to be reminded about it while driving in my car. one time i saw a guy that had balls on his truck, and a set of longhorns on the top of his cab. i don't know anything else about that guy, but i guarantee we would not get along. and today, in the spirit of the holidays and my disgust towards car accessories, i noticed a car with reindeer antlers coming out of the windows, and i couldn't help but mutter to myself, "you have got to be fucking kidding me." oh, a car that's a reindeer. i get it. very clever.
not to sound bitter during this entire blog, i must say i am excited about christmas coming up. i am sad i won't be with any family this year. that's never happened. i decided not to go to lubbock for christmas with my bro, and my parents have to stay in china for my dad's job. i do, however, have plans to spend christmas eve at the nelsen's, a cross hybrid holiday celebrating the awesomeness of catholic christmas and jewish hanukkah. we'll have lobster bisque, probably eat some pork loin or something else that is equally dank, and finish the night playing win, lose, or draw. and i'll be spending christmas night at my irish neighbor's house. naimh and noel are super cool, good cooks, and always have a good selection of beer and appertifs. and their kids, oisin, aoife, and eoin are also pretty cool too. i'm hoping to play some wii with oisin, maybe take him down in mario strikers or wii boxing. yeah that'd be fun.
i updated my ipod today. unfortunately my ipod (nano) is only 4gigs, so i'm not able to have all my music on it. so i have to pick and choose. gone is radiohead's amnesiac, justice's cross, daft punk's alive 2007, dave's before these crowded streets, two mogwai albums, two muse albums, white stripes' elephant, and brett's 80's mix vol. 1. that's a lot of really good music i took off, but sacrifices must be made. added is yeah yeah yeah's fever to tell, tom petty's wallflowers, beta band's 3 ep's, cunninlyguists' dirty acres, hendrix' are you experienced?, joanna newsom's ys, mars volta's frances the mute and tremulant, muse's showbiz, people under the stairs' o.s.t., blackalicious' blazing arrow, and modest mouse's the lonesom crowded west and the moon and antarctica. that's also a lot of really good music. man, i need a more spacious ipod. hmm, never thought i'd say that.
job searches suck with such a depressing economy. yeah, fuck job searching. i'm going to boulder, new music in hand.
hit you with the funk, it's like who cut the provolone.
current music: blackalicious - "paragraph president"
i've also determined i can't stand people that have accessories for the outside of their cars. best example i can give are those redneck conservative dicks who have to proove their masculinity by dangling balls on the back of their gigantic trucks. i know balls dangle - i have a pair - but i don't need to be reminded about it while driving in my car. one time i saw a guy that had balls on his truck, and a set of longhorns on the top of his cab. i don't know anything else about that guy, but i guarantee we would not get along. and today, in the spirit of the holidays and my disgust towards car accessories, i noticed a car with reindeer antlers coming out of the windows, and i couldn't help but mutter to myself, "you have got to be fucking kidding me." oh, a car that's a reindeer. i get it. very clever.
not to sound bitter during this entire blog, i must say i am excited about christmas coming up. i am sad i won't be with any family this year. that's never happened. i decided not to go to lubbock for christmas with my bro, and my parents have to stay in china for my dad's job. i do, however, have plans to spend christmas eve at the nelsen's, a cross hybrid holiday celebrating the awesomeness of catholic christmas and jewish hanukkah. we'll have lobster bisque, probably eat some pork loin or something else that is equally dank, and finish the night playing win, lose, or draw. and i'll be spending christmas night at my irish neighbor's house. naimh and noel are super cool, good cooks, and always have a good selection of beer and appertifs. and their kids, oisin, aoife, and eoin are also pretty cool too. i'm hoping to play some wii with oisin, maybe take him down in mario strikers or wii boxing. yeah that'd be fun.
i updated my ipod today. unfortunately my ipod (nano) is only 4gigs, so i'm not able to have all my music on it. so i have to pick and choose. gone is radiohead's amnesiac, justice's cross, daft punk's alive 2007, dave's before these crowded streets, two mogwai albums, two muse albums, white stripes' elephant, and brett's 80's mix vol. 1. that's a lot of really good music i took off, but sacrifices must be made. added is yeah yeah yeah's fever to tell, tom petty's wallflowers, beta band's 3 ep's, cunninlyguists' dirty acres, hendrix' are you experienced?, joanna newsom's ys, mars volta's frances the mute and tremulant, muse's showbiz, people under the stairs' o.s.t., blackalicious' blazing arrow, and modest mouse's the lonesom crowded west and the moon and antarctica. that's also a lot of really good music. man, i need a more spacious ipod. hmm, never thought i'd say that.
job searches suck with such a depressing economy. yeah, fuck job searching. i'm going to boulder, new music in hand.
hit you with the funk, it's like who cut the provolone.
current music: blackalicious - "paragraph president"
Sunday, November 23, 2008
i was screwed by legos growing up
friday i went to toys r us to find a nerf gun for my 8 year old neighbor, oisin. he picked up my leaves while i was gone in asia, so i think i owe him something awesome. the biggest gun is always the prefered gun of choice to purchase, but there's a problem: it takes 6 - SIX!!! - 1.5v batteries to operate. that's fucked up, and who knows how long they'll last in a nerf gun that shoots out three darts a second! but i feel bad buying a nerf gun that requires a ridiculous amount of batteries, but aren't included of course, requiring in return this kid (or his parents) to buy batteries every time they go out. i think i'll get the second largest nerf gun; it's still kickass, and apparently shoots farther than any other nerf gun. also let me just say that nerf guns are awesome now, and i wished they had the cool ones now when i was a kid.
but that's not the only cool shit i saw at toys r us. actually, if you have time one of these days, i highly recommend going into that store; the nostalgia will almost choke you to death. lego owns the toy world. seriously, they have the coolest shit in that store. star wars legos.. you know i just missed the star wars period growing up. the first movies came out pretty much before i was born (definitely before i started playing with legos), and episode one didn't come out til my lego phase was over. but it kicks ass; they have ty fighter legos, and death star legos. haha i actually saw a darth vader mr. potato head. that shit was hilarious. but back to the legos... what legos has come out with these days makes me wish they did similar things when i was growing up. okay, example. they have limited edition sponge bob squarepants lego characters. tell me that's not awesome, and i'll call you crazy. i feel sponge bob is kinda in the same genre (though not quite as gross) as ren n' stimpy; legos could've created limited edition ren and stimpy lego characters! or powdered toast man, or the talking horse -- can't remember his name, the one from the rubber nipples episode. or even another show, like doug, or rocco's modern life. *sigh* oh well i guess, but it would've been really cool.
while reading the warnings on the gigantic nerf gun, it stated "do not aim nerf gun at the face," to which i laughed and said out loud, "yeah right, you have to aim for the face, otherwise what's the fun." this woman standing next to me promptly put the nerf gun package in her hands back, and left the aisle. priceless.
but that's not the only cool shit i saw at toys r us. actually, if you have time one of these days, i highly recommend going into that store; the nostalgia will almost choke you to death. lego owns the toy world. seriously, they have the coolest shit in that store. star wars legos.. you know i just missed the star wars period growing up. the first movies came out pretty much before i was born (definitely before i started playing with legos), and episode one didn't come out til my lego phase was over. but it kicks ass; they have ty fighter legos, and death star legos. haha i actually saw a darth vader mr. potato head. that shit was hilarious. but back to the legos... what legos has come out with these days makes me wish they did similar things when i was growing up. okay, example. they have limited edition sponge bob squarepants lego characters. tell me that's not awesome, and i'll call you crazy. i feel sponge bob is kinda in the same genre (though not quite as gross) as ren n' stimpy; legos could've created limited edition ren and stimpy lego characters! or powdered toast man, or the talking horse -- can't remember his name, the one from the rubber nipples episode. or even another show, like doug, or rocco's modern life. *sigh* oh well i guess, but it would've been really cool.
while reading the warnings on the gigantic nerf gun, it stated "do not aim nerf gun at the face," to which i laughed and said out loud, "yeah right, you have to aim for the face, otherwise what's the fun." this woman standing next to me promptly put the nerf gun package in her hands back, and left the aisle. priceless.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
manic depression is touching my soul
in the 8th grade, i played in a band with travis lilley and andrew brown, and for the talent show we played purple haze by jimi hendrix. it was fantastic, and this is due to a couple reasons. playing good is not one of the reasons, because we honestly only played alright. first, playing music, specifically rock n' roll, in front of peers (girls) when you're 14 immediately makes you cool. we weren't playing trumpet, or alto sax, or the trombone, even though i think the trombone is a super cool instrument. nope. we were playing cool instruments, instruments that didn't require planning out breaths, instruments that were loud and in your face. second, we were playing purple haze, a super dope song that is disputedly about, well, a drug trip. the teachers were either a) shitting their pants hoping nobody understood what i was singing about-- that's right, i sang.. not too bad either -- because we were such innocent 14 year olds, or b) were smiling ear to ear loving the fact that we decided to play an incredibly popular song by arguably the greatest guitarist, and one of the best classic rock bands, in existence, instead of guns n' roses, stone temple pilots, or *gasp!* nirvana.
let me quickly say that any of those choices would've also been alright. nirvana would've been crazy cool, because nirvana were ridiculously popular then (cobain had only killed himself two years prior. quite sad, really). but we all loved hendrix more, probably because our parents beat it into our heads. and why not? jimi hendrix was an unbelievable guitarist, noel redding pumped out some seriously awesome grooves on the bass, and mitch mitchell, well, he just about did it for me. i remember listening to classic rock growing up; between the licks of mitchell, keith moon, and john bonham, it was at an early age when i decided i wanted to play the drums. purple haze was the first hendrix songs i learned, because it had probably the easiest beat. mitch mitchell is a freak when it comes to creating awesome beats. hey joe is a great beat; fire is fantastic; manic depression is absolutely fucking stellar, and probably my favorite beat of mitchell's. it was the perfect combination of oddities with a 3/4 time and triplet groove between the snare, hi tom, and bass drum. and of course the song itself grooved. truly magnificent.
mitch mitchell, the group's last surviving member, died this morning; he was found in a hotel room in portland, oregon. he was 61. i'm really sad right now. i've never been in the position where an influence in my life has passed. this is not to say a joke or two weren't influenced by mitch hedberg, or that my grandparents weren't a positive influence on me. what i mean is i've been playing percussion for 14 years, and the drums for almost 13. i started with jazz, and slowly incoporated rock/funk into my style; mitch mitchell constantly came out with awesome licks that meshed rock with jazz, and he opened my eyes to the limitless possibilities of using multiple styles to create beautiful drumbeat compositions. i mean, shit, my drumset is set up the same way his is.

rest in peace, mitch mitchell, and may your awesome drum style live on forever in those you influenced most. i for one am going down to my basement right now to groove on your manic depression and hey joe beats.
let me quickly say that any of those choices would've also been alright. nirvana would've been crazy cool, because nirvana were ridiculously popular then (cobain had only killed himself two years prior. quite sad, really). but we all loved hendrix more, probably because our parents beat it into our heads. and why not? jimi hendrix was an unbelievable guitarist, noel redding pumped out some seriously awesome grooves on the bass, and mitch mitchell, well, he just about did it for me. i remember listening to classic rock growing up; between the licks of mitchell, keith moon, and john bonham, it was at an early age when i decided i wanted to play the drums. purple haze was the first hendrix songs i learned, because it had probably the easiest beat. mitch mitchell is a freak when it comes to creating awesome beats. hey joe is a great beat; fire is fantastic; manic depression is absolutely fucking stellar, and probably my favorite beat of mitchell's. it was the perfect combination of oddities with a 3/4 time and triplet groove between the snare, hi tom, and bass drum. and of course the song itself grooved. truly magnificent.
mitch mitchell, the group's last surviving member, died this morning; he was found in a hotel room in portland, oregon. he was 61. i'm really sad right now. i've never been in the position where an influence in my life has passed. this is not to say a joke or two weren't influenced by mitch hedberg, or that my grandparents weren't a positive influence on me. what i mean is i've been playing percussion for 14 years, and the drums for almost 13. i started with jazz, and slowly incoporated rock/funk into my style; mitch mitchell constantly came out with awesome licks that meshed rock with jazz, and he opened my eyes to the limitless possibilities of using multiple styles to create beautiful drumbeat compositions. i mean, shit, my drumset is set up the same way his is.

rest in peace, mitch mitchell, and may your awesome drum style live on forever in those you influenced most. i for one am going down to my basement right now to groove on your manic depression and hey joe beats.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
my marching fuzz folk hero
maybe just because i'm in the zone of listening to his music, but i feel like lots of things i'd like to say, he's already said better than i ever would have been able to. that's amazing, considering he's only had two albums to his name, and not one since '98. jeff mangum, the man, the voice, the guitar, the lyrics behind neutral milk hotel, creates amazing music, and stirs up fantastic feelings of happiness within me. if ever i were to write a movie script (ha), i would ask him to score it. it saddens me he hasn't come out with a follow up to in the aeroplane over the sea. but that's okay. because i love that album, and i'll listen to it for the rest of my life. i think it'll be the first vinyl i'll listen to when i get home. followed closely by the decembrists - the crane wife. or tool. ha.
as i prepare to go home after my extensive 8 1/2 week tour of the far east - and prepare to board an airplane for the 15th time (seriously) - i'd like to leave with a few lyrics from one of his songs, conveniently the title song of the album.
and one day we will die
and our ashes will fly
from the aeroplane over the sea
but for now we are young
let us lay in the sun
and count every beautiful thing we can see
what a beautiful face
i have found in this place
that is circling all 'round the sun
and when we meet on a cloud
i'll be laughing out loud
i'll be laughing with everyone i see
can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all
neutral milk hotel - in the aeroplane over the sea
as i prepare to go home after my extensive 8 1/2 week tour of the far east - and prepare to board an airplane for the 15th time (seriously) - i'd like to leave with a few lyrics from one of his songs, conveniently the title song of the album.
and one day we will die
and our ashes will fly
from the aeroplane over the sea
but for now we are young
let us lay in the sun
and count every beautiful thing we can see
what a beautiful face
i have found in this place
that is circling all 'round the sun
and when we meet on a cloud
i'll be laughing out loud
i'll be laughing with everyone i see
can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all
neutral milk hotel - in the aeroplane over the sea
Monday, October 20, 2008
what the pho-ck is an ass hose?
an even better, more perplexing question is how the hell have i survived for twenty-five years without one? the answer: delicately.
i have no idea what the actual name of it is, but in vietnam, people use a water hose instead of toilet paper. well they use toilet paper, too, but it's to dry only. okay, sounds a bit over the top, and flat out weird, right? not true; it's actually ingenious, and households around the world should adopt it as a necessary practice for overall comfort and effectiveness. no more smear. no more clogging due to excessive paper use. you feel great after taking a grove, which is the way you should feel anyway.
it won't work in america, though. half the population's too fat to hit their ass hole with a hose anyway. ha.
going out to a birthday party right now.
i have no idea what the actual name of it is, but in vietnam, people use a water hose instead of toilet paper. well they use toilet paper, too, but it's to dry only. okay, sounds a bit over the top, and flat out weird, right? not true; it's actually ingenious, and households around the world should adopt it as a necessary practice for overall comfort and effectiveness. no more smear. no more clogging due to excessive paper use. you feel great after taking a grove, which is the way you should feel anyway.
it won't work in america, though. half the population's too fat to hit their ass hole with a hose anyway. ha.
going out to a birthday party right now.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
koh phangan full moon party - kickin it in thailand
well i've been in thailand for a week now, and on the islands for six days. i was in koh tao until this morning, living it up snorkling, drinking, chilling, and tattoo-ing. (will post a picture of that later). sunsets every day on sairee beach, frisbee in the ocean, parties on the beach, fire spinners.
this week has been one of the best of my life. if i had known how awesome the island was, i actually would've liked to stay in koh tao longer. like maybe a month or two. eric saw two whale sharks while scuba diving yesterday. sadly i'm not certified, so i'm a bit jealous. but yeah, it's certainly not perfect, but it certainly was amazing and a thing to remember. i'm definitely coming back.
this morning we jettisoned off to koh phangan; tonight is the full moon party, a cleverly named party that happens on one specific beach in koh phangan every full moon. it's low season right now, so apparently only about 8000 people are expected to be there. i'm stoked.
mmmm, i like thailand.... errr, at least the thai islands. thai girls are cute, thai guys are cool (though territorial and aggressive at times -- i may expand on that later..), they're cheap, beautiful, and the weather is spectacular.
but the internet is expensive, so i'm getting off. i bid you adieu.
this week has been one of the best of my life. if i had known how awesome the island was, i actually would've liked to stay in koh tao longer. like maybe a month or two. eric saw two whale sharks while scuba diving yesterday. sadly i'm not certified, so i'm a bit jealous. but yeah, it's certainly not perfect, but it certainly was amazing and a thing to remember. i'm definitely coming back.
this morning we jettisoned off to koh phangan; tonight is the full moon party, a cleverly named party that happens on one specific beach in koh phangan every full moon. it's low season right now, so apparently only about 8000 people are expected to be there. i'm stoked.
mmmm, i like thailand.... errr, at least the thai islands. thai girls are cute, thai guys are cool (though territorial and aggressive at times -- i may expand on that later..), they're cheap, beautiful, and the weather is spectacular.
but the internet is expensive, so i'm getting off. i bid you adieu.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
i spy..
i'll write something new about my asiatic journey in a bit. but for now, a picture has been added. what do you think? the inner artisan thinks that perhaps a scenic shot would be more suitable, perhaps of my recent travels. but then again, i like this photo because there's absolutely nothing special about it. and as you can see, i am travelling in this photo, to pingyao. wanna step back in time? go to pingyao, a 2000+ year old city with zero atm's. they even have an international photography festival every year, and what do you know? i was there at that exact time.
but as i said earlier, more to come.. until then, thoughts on blog photo?
but as i said earlier, more to come.. until then, thoughts on blog photo?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
a means to an end - overwhelmed in the land of mao pt.1
a little over a year and a half ago, i got a job doing something not befitting a person of my educational background - a quality assurance analyst position with metlife. i'm not dumb, but i was in no position to get this job. with very little computer experience, having not taken a single real computer class in college - i did take a microsoft office class freshman year, booya - and no real idea what quality assurance was in the first place (i looked it up in the dictionary before the interview), i owe it to a good friend of mine, der grossman chucky d, for getting my foot in the door. but i'm not dumb; i still had to nail two interviews, and of course did so convincingly. this job was the best that came my way after moving away from boulder. it was the highest paying job as well, and what do you know, i got to work with my best friend at the same time. i accepted the job with open arms.
i began the job unqualified, but i found out quickly the job was not difficult. i was a pawn, had absolutely zero input on projects and little on strategy, but i was also 24, so whatever. after a while, i realized i dislike staring at a computer screen for 8 hours a day, but as it turns out, i got to work with a bunch of really cool people, so this job was totally doable. you also have to remember that a job is exactly that - a job. it was something to do during the day. it provided money. it provided records. records like radiohead's ok computer, beta band ep's, deloused in the comatorium, neutral milk hotel's in the aeroplane over the sea, and led zeppelin's physical graffiti. but it became more than that; it became a means to an end.
and what does a job end with? a beer on the last day? think bigger. getting the afternoon off on the last day? way better. vacation! and when you're taking care of your parent's house while they're living abroad, you're able to save up for a most excellent vacation. on that note, since you've mooched off your parents this long, why not mooch a little further by visiting them and letting them pay for almost everything?
side not: i wasn't the only one doing the mooching. they didn't want to sell the house, so in exchange for me living at the house rent free, i had to maintain it so that my parents would have a place to come back to when they're done living it up in beijing. doesn't sound like a bad trade off for me, but do you think i like living in littleton? that town is flat out boring. i'm serious. it's an hour away from boulder, 30 minutes from denver, 45 from golden, 30 minutes farther from the ski slopes, has zero hiking paths, zero breweries, zero coffeeshops (starbucks doesn't count), and i only have one good friend that lives near me. but i do have a neighborhood pool...
when metlife decided to stop hiring contractors on site (aka in the usa), and started hiring them offshore (aka india), i knew my days would be limited. so i discussed some ideas with my bro and his now fiance, and together we agreed on a time to come out to china to visit the 'rents, and when ev went back to his comfy newsanchor position in lubbock texas, i would stay in the land of yao ming a while longer. then i thought to myself, patches is teaching english in ho chi minh city; i outta make one trip into two and go visit him as well. after a lengthy discussion with both eric and the parents, a two month trip was booked.
my assumption was correct; shortly after metlife "extended" our contract from the end of june through the end of the year, they promptly let go about half the contractors in about a two week span. i was not one of them, because the projects i was working on were huge and required my assistance. luckily i was not let go before i quit. when i left, our group was down from 10 (i think) to only 5.
a week after quiting, my bro and his fiance flew in from texas, and the next morning, we were gone. unfortunately you aren't beamed there; it was a shitty plethora of planes and airplane food. the flight alone from minneapolis to tokyo was a ludicrous 12 hours. why the hell we went from denver to minneapolis and not a west coast city is beyond me. after leaving friday morning early, we finally arrived in beijing saturday night.
beijing has 16 million people. and i couldn't understand a single one of them...
i began the job unqualified, but i found out quickly the job was not difficult. i was a pawn, had absolutely zero input on projects and little on strategy, but i was also 24, so whatever. after a while, i realized i dislike staring at a computer screen for 8 hours a day, but as it turns out, i got to work with a bunch of really cool people, so this job was totally doable. you also have to remember that a job is exactly that - a job. it was something to do during the day. it provided money. it provided records. records like radiohead's ok computer, beta band ep's, deloused in the comatorium, neutral milk hotel's in the aeroplane over the sea, and led zeppelin's physical graffiti. but it became more than that; it became a means to an end.
and what does a job end with? a beer on the last day? think bigger. getting the afternoon off on the last day? way better. vacation! and when you're taking care of your parent's house while they're living abroad, you're able to save up for a most excellent vacation. on that note, since you've mooched off your parents this long, why not mooch a little further by visiting them and letting them pay for almost everything?
side not: i wasn't the only one doing the mooching. they didn't want to sell the house, so in exchange for me living at the house rent free, i had to maintain it so that my parents would have a place to come back to when they're done living it up in beijing. doesn't sound like a bad trade off for me, but do you think i like living in littleton? that town is flat out boring. i'm serious. it's an hour away from boulder, 30 minutes from denver, 45 from golden, 30 minutes farther from the ski slopes, has zero hiking paths, zero breweries, zero coffeeshops (starbucks doesn't count), and i only have one good friend that lives near me. but i do have a neighborhood pool...
when metlife decided to stop hiring contractors on site (aka in the usa), and started hiring them offshore (aka india), i knew my days would be limited. so i discussed some ideas with my bro and his now fiance, and together we agreed on a time to come out to china to visit the 'rents, and when ev went back to his comfy newsanchor position in lubbock texas, i would stay in the land of yao ming a while longer. then i thought to myself, patches is teaching english in ho chi minh city; i outta make one trip into two and go visit him as well. after a lengthy discussion with both eric and the parents, a two month trip was booked.
my assumption was correct; shortly after metlife "extended" our contract from the end of june through the end of the year, they promptly let go about half the contractors in about a two week span. i was not one of them, because the projects i was working on were huge and required my assistance. luckily i was not let go before i quit. when i left, our group was down from 10 (i think) to only 5.
a week after quiting, my bro and his fiance flew in from texas, and the next morning, we were gone. unfortunately you aren't beamed there; it was a shitty plethora of planes and airplane food. the flight alone from minneapolis to tokyo was a ludicrous 12 hours. why the hell we went from denver to minneapolis and not a west coast city is beyond me. after leaving friday morning early, we finally arrived in beijing saturday night.
beijing has 16 million people. and i couldn't understand a single one of them...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
starting over, blog-wise
well i've decided to create a new blog. not that my livejournal didn't pan out well, but a new set of entries might help stir up, oh i don't know, activity in one form or another. so here it is, brand spankin' new, and this is the first post.
the last book i read was the day of the locust by nathanael west; that was three years ago ***gasp***. it was good, though sadly i don't remember much about it. i tried reading matt's copy of the brothers karamazov but only got through about 300 pages before being sidetracked by god knows what.. probably a season of seinfeld, or a mars volta album. by the way, matt, i owe you a copy of that book, seeing as i still have yours. my favorite books are books i read in high school and early on in college. i'm a slow reader; sometimes i mouth the words. so while i like reading, i rarely do it, and that probably has a hand in it. the fact is reading proficiency (big word considering my vocabulary, um, sucks) improves by reading more often, and i've decided to do just that.
i always bring a book or two or three whenever i travel, and usually open them but rarely read more than a page or two. it's pathetic, i know. right now i'm in china, which i'll write about another time, and the books i've brought with me are dienstags bei morrie (tuesdays with morrie in german) by mitch albom -- as well as a couple german grammar/vocab/phrase books in an attempt to keep up my german speaking capabilities -- 101 countries: discovering the world through fast travel by p.j. parmar, dubliners by james joyce, and the simpsons and philosophy: the d'oh! of homer by about twenty different philosophers each writing a chapter.
i've decided to read both dubliners and the simpsons and philosophy while out here in china and vietnam. so far dubliners is good, though i haven't really gotten into the meat of it. what meat? it's a collection of short stories... but anyway, i like it so far. i read parts of the simpsons book a few years ago. i took an ethics class when i was a sophomore, and this was the required book to purchase. it was actually a super cool class, and i wish i had been awake during it more often. 8am classes are never the right fit for someone who doesn't go to sleep before midnight, and doesn't drink coffee. but the book is solid, so i've decided to read it from cover to cover this time, instead of skipping a chapter here and a chapter there. the first chapter deals with homer's character in regards to aristotle's moral evaluations. i'm only a few pages into it so far, so for now, i'll leave you with a quote from a very wise person. by the way, i'll be gone until the beginning of november, and by then i hope to have finished both these books. if you have a suggestion for my next attempt at mindful self-nourishment, please don't hesitate to give your two cents.
i can't live the button-down life like you. i want it all! the terrifying lows, the dizzying highs, the creamy middles! sure, i might offend a few of the blue-noses with my cocky stride and musky odors---oh, i'll never be the darling of the so-called "city fathers" who cluck their tongues, stroke their beards, and talk about "what's to be done with this homer simpson?"
~ homer simpson
the last book i read was the day of the locust by nathanael west; that was three years ago ***gasp***. it was good, though sadly i don't remember much about it. i tried reading matt's copy of the brothers karamazov but only got through about 300 pages before being sidetracked by god knows what.. probably a season of seinfeld, or a mars volta album. by the way, matt, i owe you a copy of that book, seeing as i still have yours. my favorite books are books i read in high school and early on in college. i'm a slow reader; sometimes i mouth the words. so while i like reading, i rarely do it, and that probably has a hand in it. the fact is reading proficiency (big word considering my vocabulary, um, sucks) improves by reading more often, and i've decided to do just that.
i always bring a book or two or three whenever i travel, and usually open them but rarely read more than a page or two. it's pathetic, i know. right now i'm in china, which i'll write about another time, and the books i've brought with me are dienstags bei morrie (tuesdays with morrie in german) by mitch albom -- as well as a couple german grammar/vocab/phrase books in an attempt to keep up my german speaking capabilities -- 101 countries: discovering the world through fast travel by p.j. parmar, dubliners by james joyce, and the simpsons and philosophy: the d'oh! of homer by about twenty different philosophers each writing a chapter.
i've decided to read both dubliners and the simpsons and philosophy while out here in china and vietnam. so far dubliners is good, though i haven't really gotten into the meat of it. what meat? it's a collection of short stories... but anyway, i like it so far. i read parts of the simpsons book a few years ago. i took an ethics class when i was a sophomore, and this was the required book to purchase. it was actually a super cool class, and i wish i had been awake during it more often. 8am classes are never the right fit for someone who doesn't go to sleep before midnight, and doesn't drink coffee. but the book is solid, so i've decided to read it from cover to cover this time, instead of skipping a chapter here and a chapter there. the first chapter deals with homer's character in regards to aristotle's moral evaluations. i'm only a few pages into it so far, so for now, i'll leave you with a quote from a very wise person. by the way, i'll be gone until the beginning of november, and by then i hope to have finished both these books. if you have a suggestion for my next attempt at mindful self-nourishment, please don't hesitate to give your two cents.
i can't live the button-down life like you. i want it all! the terrifying lows, the dizzying highs, the creamy middles! sure, i might offend a few of the blue-noses with my cocky stride and musky odors---oh, i'll never be the darling of the so-called "city fathers" who cluck their tongues, stroke their beards, and talk about "what's to be done with this homer simpson?"
~ homer simpson
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